Saturday, May 10, 2008


Yesterday I had a glitch at dialysis. The needle was sticking the back side of the vein and hurting. It's kind of knotty where it was and sore. And I was sore all over (every joint) from my previous day of galavanting and shopping (woo whoooo!), so it was a little rough lying there. I tried lying pretty far back but couldn't find a good place to lay. Toward the end I asked Mark how much time I had left and was told 16 minutes. I said, I've got to get up. He finished what he was doing and then came over and seemed to be getting ready to take me off. I said, what are you doing? "Taking you off." "But, my time isn't up." You're getting the gist of it here. He thought I was wanting off, and I was just wanting to sit up! LOL I told him that when I wanted to get off early he could know that something serious was wrong. He thought it unusual for me, but they never know. Some people do get off early sometimes. They had filled out my form and everything. They have to do that if you don't complete your treatment. Liability and such.

I have all kinds of little dark veins showing up on the inside of my arm. I told Mark yesterday that my arm looks like a Texas roadmap. He showed me his arm and said you could see his, too, (but they aren't as prominent). So I showed him mine again and said, yeah, but you don't have an interstate. (the scar) He admitted that no, he didn't have an interstate.


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