Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August Already!

Gosh! I've really let the journaling go by the wayside this summer. I've been totally deplete of energy, and had lots of joint pain. The dr. said my feet were swelling because of some med I'm taking.

Also, suggested I do a sleep study, that not getting the right kind of sleep could cause the fatigue. So, as I thought about it, yes, I've been going to bed later than usual. But I have to get up at 9:00 to take my meds, so I might not be getting enough restorative sleep. I KNOW, staying in bed til 9:00 may sound like a really long time, but it really isn't if you have stayed up really late. I have the sleep disorder related to fibromyalgia and if I don't get enough of the right kind of sleep, it really takes a toll on the body, and increases my pain. Being the analytical person that I am, I finally decided that this was causing my fatigue.

So, I plan to get myself to bed earlier and see if it produces the desired results. There is no need for expensive tests if I can figure out the cause of my problem. And don't get hysterical, I don't "diagnose and treat" all my ailments. Just when common sense suggests something that might help and can do no harm. I don't see going to bed earlier doing any harm, do you?

Along with physical fatigue, I've had brain fatigue. If you've ever had it, you'll know what I mean. It's a tiredness that is not fun. You can't explain it, you can't treat it with specific medication, you don't just bounce back with a nap, it affects your life in every aspect. And it brings me lower than low. Enough said.


Anonymous said...

About all the fatigue... have you had your Thyroid levels checked? I'm currently experiencing the same stuff - the brain fatigue is the WORST - and have had my TSH level checked and it's above normal. Waiting for an appt with a doc to go over the lab results. Be sure that the lab though uses the 2003 new ranges for TSH levels. Otherwise they might just brush you off if it's in the 3 - 5.5 range when you really SHOULD be treated. Just a thought!

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