Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Another Monday...

Dialysis went fine yesterday. No extra bleeding, but I was so tired from the weekend and from staying up too late Sunday night. I read some while I was on, and tried to watch a little tv, but it was blah. Just a very tiring day. Mark said that if my labs are still doing as well as they have been, he is going to ask for another 15 minutes off. I asked what the shortest time that anyone took dialysis and I think he said 2 hours 45 minutes. That beats four hours by a long shot. I'm going to try and fix up some sewing for me to do while on dialysis. I want to work on my chrismon ornaments. I think I can manage them if I do a little pre-work. I need to start taking some real food with me. I was already shaking when I got home Mon. and went straight for the kitchen and made some wonderful turkey/cheese/onion/pickle/lettuce/tomato sandwiches. mmmmmmmmm.......!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wow! What a sandwhich! Love the Garfield!