Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday Update

Dialysis went well today. No bleeding, no other difficulty. The time passed fairly fast. In the morning I have an appointment with my dentist in Brentwood. It is time for the next step. I am totally without a clue what to expect. I know they will sedate me, uncover the implants embedded in my jaw bone, and I THINK they will add some kind of marble-shaped top to them. I'm not exactly sure of what it will take to accomplish this. I don't know if they will also fit my lower plate to snap onto these tomorrow or if they have to wait for everything to heal. I may be living on milk shakes for a day or two! I just don't know. Pray for me. And pray for my chauffeur and caregiver. I will keep you updated if my computer will let me. It is possessed at the moment and I never know what it's going to do. ~Later

1 comment:

Emily said...

who is this chauffeur and caretaker we are referring to anyways?