Saturday, October 20, 2007

Home Again

My teeth aren't quite as exciting today. I have sore places on both jaws and it's impossible to chew anything that resists. The dentist told me to call in right away if I had any sore places and not try to just outlast them. So I said okay. That was Thurs. Friday I called and said we're coming through Nashville, is there any way I could come by. Well, sorry but they close early on Fridays so Monday would be the first day I could see him. I have dialysis Monday so they put me down for Tuesday. So much for seeing him right away! Pardon my whining. I'm just very tired, and throbbing gums isn't conducive to peace and tranquility right now. I'll be better soon, I promise. ~Later


Joyful Mother said...

Mom, sorry your teeth aren't doing well. Pretty soon the hard part will be behind you. I love you.

~Da Grandma said...

Thanks, Becky.