Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, Mar. 17, 2008

Since I have been using the perma-cath for dialysis, I've start cramping an hour before time to come off. They do what they can, cut me back in the amount of fluid they are pulling off, and usually have to just quit pulling, occasionally give me some back. But, so far, it hasn't helped. I'm either going to have to change my dry weight, or quit drinking so much fluid and watch the eating of salty foods. Cramping in my feet, ankles, sometimes my hand, and sometimes the calf of my leg is the pits. Guess I need to get serious here.

I've got to be at Saint Thomas at 6:00 AM in the morning for surgery. I hope I get out just in time to be somewhat rested and "drugged" enough to be able to go to a meeting in Columbia for the Kidney Walk to get my information. I've got a project that I need to work on tonight for a display at the center. I know they would not feel bad toward me if I have to give it back without doing it, but it will sure make 'me' feel bad about it.

Hope you are having a good day! ~Later

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